Christ Church Castlemaine
& St John's Church Chewton
Welcome to the Anglican Parish of Castlemaine
serving people across the historic Mount Alexander (Liyanganyuk Banyul) goldfield areas of Chewton, Castlemaine and surrounds Castlemaine Parish is a community that welcomes, encourages and supports people from all walks of life and human experience The Parish offers a variety of ways for people to express, explore and enjoy Christian faith in gatherings large or small, in silence and in song, occasionally or often Everyone is welcome Come along! |
Latest News
The Agitation Hill Artists Art Show & Sales from Wednesday 5 February to Monday 24 March in the Foyer Gallery of the Phee Broadway Theatre /Library, Mechanics Lane, Castlemaine Open daily except Sunday More info here Save the date: Saturday 1 March at Christ Church Hall Garage Sale to raise funds for the work of the Parish Ash Wednesday is on 5 March 10.00am Eucharist at Christ Church & Evening Eucharist tba Celebrating100th Anniversary of Christ Church Parish Hall on Sunday 30 March Details will be posted here soon |
We pray for everyone in places where there is war
We pray for refugees and those who care for them
We pray for people who are hungry or alone or fearful
for those who are grieving
and for children everywhere
We pray for refugees and those who care for them
We pray for people who are hungry or alone or fearful
for those who are grieving
and for children everywhere