This beautiful Labyrinth, mosaics, and meditation gardens are located in the grounds of Christ Church Anglican Church on Agitation Hill, corner of Forest & Kennedy Streets, Castlemaine
Each Friday at 5pm everyone is welcome to a short Peace Vigil held in the garden (or in the Church if weather is unfavourable)
The gardens are also open every day during daylight hours for your own meditation and prayer
Everyone is warmly invited to come and experience these meditative spaces
There is information below about the labyrinth if you wish to use it
There are seats in the gardens close to the church and by the labyrinth with its adjacent display of hand-crafted mosaics to reflect upon
Parking is available adjacent to the labyrinth and garden as well as by the church
You are most welcome
Walking a Labyrinth
There is no 'right' way to walk a labyrinth
You only have to start and follow the path
You can walk slowly, or you can walk with purpose, walking softly, or stepping and stopping, as your feelings lead you
You may wish to walk at a regular time of the day, or whenever suits
You may wish to walk often, or on particular occasions
You can come alone or with others and while the walk is yours alone, companionship and, if you wish, talking together afterwards can add to the experience
As you walk, speak words if you wish or listen to the sounds around you
See the sky above, the beauty of season and place, or turn your thoughts inwards, attentive to your experience
Suggested guideline
Here is a suggested meditation guideline you might like to use as a pattern for walking a labyrinth:
Focus - Pause and wait at the start. Become quiet and centered. If you wish, give acknowledgment through a bow, nod, or other gesture and then enter.
Experience - Follow the path at whatever pace you wish. You may have a purpose, an idea, a question, or an image in your mind. Or just be open to what emerges. When you reach the centre, stay there and focus several moments, or longer. Leave when it seems appropriate, walking quietly out to the edge in whichever way you choose.
After you leave the circle, turn and face back to the centre. If you wish, give an acknowledgement of ending, such as "Amen", or a thought or word of thanks.
Reflect - After walking the labyrinth reflect back on your experience. You may like to use writing or drawing to capture your experience.
About this Labyrinth and mosaic meditation garden.
Five years in the making, officially opened and dedicated in October 2013, the mosaic meditation garden incorporates an eleven circuit stone labyrinth built by artist and mason David Waters, modeled on the labyrinth in the Chartres Cathedral.
The adjacent mosaic tiles were made by members of the Castlemaine community in workshops run by
Lisa Mitchell and local artists Diane Thompson and Vanessa Johnston.
With thanks to:
Mental Health Victoria
The Grief and Loss Support Program - Castlemaine Hospital (Dhelkayah Health)
Members of our local community with experience of grief and loss
Lisa Mitchell - Project Manager
Vanessa Johnstone and Diane Thompson - local artists and mosaic workshop facilitators
David Waters - artist/sculptor
David Pratt for provision of the granite for the labyrinth
Each Friday at 5pm everyone is welcome to a short Peace Vigil held in the garden (or in the Church if weather is unfavourable)
The gardens are also open every day during daylight hours for your own meditation and prayer
Everyone is warmly invited to come and experience these meditative spaces
There is information below about the labyrinth if you wish to use it
There are seats in the gardens close to the church and by the labyrinth with its adjacent display of hand-crafted mosaics to reflect upon
Parking is available adjacent to the labyrinth and garden as well as by the church
You are most welcome
Walking a Labyrinth
There is no 'right' way to walk a labyrinth
You only have to start and follow the path
You can walk slowly, or you can walk with purpose, walking softly, or stepping and stopping, as your feelings lead you
You may wish to walk at a regular time of the day, or whenever suits
You may wish to walk often, or on particular occasions
You can come alone or with others and while the walk is yours alone, companionship and, if you wish, talking together afterwards can add to the experience
As you walk, speak words if you wish or listen to the sounds around you
See the sky above, the beauty of season and place, or turn your thoughts inwards, attentive to your experience
Suggested guideline
Here is a suggested meditation guideline you might like to use as a pattern for walking a labyrinth:
Focus - Pause and wait at the start. Become quiet and centered. If you wish, give acknowledgment through a bow, nod, or other gesture and then enter.
Experience - Follow the path at whatever pace you wish. You may have a purpose, an idea, a question, or an image in your mind. Or just be open to what emerges. When you reach the centre, stay there and focus several moments, or longer. Leave when it seems appropriate, walking quietly out to the edge in whichever way you choose.
After you leave the circle, turn and face back to the centre. If you wish, give an acknowledgement of ending, such as "Amen", or a thought or word of thanks.
Reflect - After walking the labyrinth reflect back on your experience. You may like to use writing or drawing to capture your experience.
About this Labyrinth and mosaic meditation garden.
Five years in the making, officially opened and dedicated in October 2013, the mosaic meditation garden incorporates an eleven circuit stone labyrinth built by artist and mason David Waters, modeled on the labyrinth in the Chartres Cathedral.
The adjacent mosaic tiles were made by members of the Castlemaine community in workshops run by
Lisa Mitchell and local artists Diane Thompson and Vanessa Johnston.
With thanks to:
Mental Health Victoria
The Grief and Loss Support Program - Castlemaine Hospital (Dhelkayah Health)
Members of our local community with experience of grief and loss
Lisa Mitchell - Project Manager
Vanessa Johnstone and Diane Thompson - local artists and mosaic workshop facilitators
David Waters - artist/sculptor
David Pratt for provision of the granite for the labyrinth