Castlemaine Anglican Parish is a community of people from many different walks of life who gather together in a variety of ways to express and explore their Christian faith.
The two churches in the Parish are St John's at Chewton and Christ Church (on Agitation Hill) at Castlemaine. Rev'd Canon Ian Howarth is Rector of the Parish. Fr Ian has served in parishes in NSW and Victoria. He has also served as a Chaplain in the armed forces. Prior to completing his ministry studies, Fr Ian was a school teacher. He is also an accomplished musician, singer and composer. Contact Fr Ian at the Parish for information including for baptisms (infants, children, adults), weddings, funeral services, and other pastoral and faith matters. From Fr. Ian: "Everyone is most welcome to engage with the Parish by attending worship at either of the churches, by saying hello to me afterwards, by meeting and talking with others and by experiencing different aspects of Parish life. You can contact me by phone or email. I look forward to meeting you. |
Parish Groups and Activities Into the Silence gathers for meditation and reflection each Friday at 10.00am at St John's Chewton All welcome Women's Fellowship meets every Wednesday following the10am Eucharist at Christ Church Men's Group gathers each month See Parish newsletter for details of particular events or contact the Parish (details below) Agitation Hill Artists a dedicated group of diverse arts practitioners who gather regularly on third Thursday afternoon each month to connect, support and share ideas, hold workshops and exhibitions Concert Programs and Music Events each year the Parish offers to the public a program of Chamber Concerts and other delightful music events. These are usually held in historic Christ Church with its excellent grand piano and organ. Money raised though ticket sales, commissions or donations contribute to the work of the Parish Gardening an informal group undertaking working bees in the garden at Christ Church (bring gloves) Programs for Advent, Lent and other special times a range of different opportunities for reflection, discussion, and prayer are held regularly during the key seasons of the liturgical year. Details in the Parish Newsletter The Labyrinth everyone is welcome to visit the Labyrinth and meditation garden at Christ Church anytime in daylight hours Communications a weekly Parish newsletter is emailed to those who wish to receive it. It includes weekly prayers, scripture and liturgy sheets, reflections and information about events and gatherings The Agitator, the Parish's quarterly journal is available in hard copy at each of the Parish churches in hard copy only.Articles or reflections from parishioners are most welcome Harvest Community Lunch held fortnightly and cooked and served by parishioners, the Harvest Community Lunch is open to all. The cost is by donation if possible. Includes veg & GF options. An opportunity for parishioners and those from the wider community to share a relaxed and delicious social meal Fundraising for Anglicare and the work of the Parish a core group of parishioners plan and do fundraising assisted by many others in the Parish. Funds are raised for the work of the Parish and for Anglicare Victoria Choirs the Christ Church Choir is a full choir which participates in the Sunday Eucharist at Christ Church and Choral Evensong, with rehearsal once a week New members welcome the Solomon Islander Anglican Choir gathers regularly and usually sings at the 10am Sunday Eucharist on first Sunday of the month at Christ Church Friends of the ABM a wide range of national and international projects of support and assistance are enacted by the Anglican Board of Mission (ABM). Castlemaine Parish is currently supporting the Solomon Islands Climate Change and Disaster Management project. Friends of the ABM share information and raise funds for this project through social and other events. Everyone is welcome Choral Evensong a traditional Choral Evensong is held on the first Sunday of every month at Christ Church 5pm (6pm during Daylight Savings) followed by refreshments Evening Prayer open to all, usually held Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 5.00pm in Christ Church Church and Liturgical assistance In both church communities many parishioners are regularly rostered to help at worship and other church services. Tasks include welcoming people, reading scripture to the congregation, leading prayers of intercession, assisting the presiding priest, opening and closing the churches, setting up for regular services, sourcing and arranging flowers, cleaning and polishing, leading evening prayer services, preparing and serving refreshments after weekly and other services. Please speak with Fr Ian if you are interested in becoming involved And of course everyone is welcome to any of the regular worship opportunities. Worship services and other events are listed on the Worship & Events page You are most welcome! If you have a query about any of the above groups or activities please email or phone the Parish |